Pie, Recipes

Cranberry Apple Pie

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It is Cranberry Season you guys!!!! I think this is it, this year I am buying lots and lots of cranberries, I will wash them and freeze them so I can enjoy fresh cranberry desserts in Summer! My husband LOVES cranberries, and he loves pie! So, when I made this pie he loved me even more for like a week. Mind you, we are just 2 people and sometimes it is just hard making dessert for only 2 portions, either way, who would only want one piece of pie?!

This recipe is a mix of love, apples, cranberries, and lots of not knowing how to decorate the top of it! I don’t know why, but I become very indecisive about it every time. I have seen so many beautiful pie designs…but, no matter how you decide to decorate this, it is a very very DELICIOUS PIE! I enjoy eating my pies warm, my husband eats them cold -straight out of the refrigerator cold – However, I feel it is so comforting to have warm pie….

This pie took longer to bake than I expected. It was already 40 minutes and it was not browning!! But I was patient, as I knew this would be so so so good and left it around 10 min more (with my oven calling me every 5 just in case it started to brown too quickly). I am always happy to eat pie. Just remember to prep before hand, and to make sure you have all ingredients completed and fresh. There is nothing better than fresh Granny Smith Apples, and fresh cranberries. Granny Smith Apples are my favorites because of their tartness and because they hold their shape really good when baked.

For the pie crust, a food processor helps a lot. I truly disliked making pie crust using my hands or a fork, it took forever. With the food processor you can mix everything so quickly that it changes your baking life! I used to have a teeny-tiny food processor and did half of the recipe first and then the other half.

Pie Crust recipe inspired by: Joy of Baking and Pie Filling adapted from: Sally’s Baking Addiction 

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